Cherries: A Healing Super Fruit to the Rescue

cherries superfood natural health vancouver bc mobile acupunctureHippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Throughout history, the healing properties of food have long been recounted. Recently, there has been an explosion of research that shows precisely what health benefits individual foods can offer. Studies have shown that cherries have healing properties. The miraculous health benefits from this super fruit can help those who suffer from inflammation and pain, and can even help to improve the quality of your sleep.

How can cherries help me?

Anthocyanin is a water soluble pigment that can be found in many plants and foods. The vibrant red pigmentation of cherries contains very high levels of anthocyanin and has been shown to be helpful for people who experience joint pain and inflammation.

  • Tart cherries are particularly high in antioxidants and have powerful anti-inflammatory properties similar to that of aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen, without the dangerous health risks.
  • Daily consumption of these cherries will help to reduce joint pain and neutralize the enzymes active in tissue inflammation.
  • Cherries have the ability to transport toxins out of the body.
  • They are a safe and healthy alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs because it has no damaging side effects.

Another major factor that can cause inflammation is lack of sleep. Studies show that poor sleep can contribute to a wide range of health conditions, including arthritis. High levels of melatonin– hormones involved in regulating the sleeping and waking cycles– have also been found in tart cherries. Consuming tart cherries can assist in improving immune responses as well as helping control sleep patterns.

What are the specific types of cherries I should look for?

There are two types of cherries, sweet and the sour or tart cherries.

  • Popular varieties of sweet cherries include the Bing cherry and the Black cherry which can be found fresh in the produce sections at most grocery stores and markets.
  • Types of tart cherries include the Montmorency, the Morello, and the Balatin cherry, which are mainly canned or dried and can be found in juice concentrate form.

Using them for cooking, blending them into a smoothie, or eating them out of your hand–adding cherries into your diet is a simple and delicious way to help manage your pain, prevent inflammation, and get a good night sleep.  

Because cherries may not be enough or may not be the right food for you, consider giving acupuncture a try to help relieve your pain, reduce your inflammation, and also improve your sleep, healing, and recovery. 

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