Dealing with stress in our everyday lives


stress relief acupuncture vancouver mobileby Gabrielle Fox (R.Ac. license pending)

Stress is a part of the body’s natural defense system. It helps us react to dangerous situations, avoiding near accidents when riding your bicycle, for instance, or avoiding car accidents. Stress also helps us dedicate ourselves to studying for upcoming exams or project deadlines. But as with all things, everything in moderation can be positive and then become negative when there is too much of it.

Excessive amounts of stress can be extremely harmful to the body’s ability to cope with illness, tissue regeneration and wound healing. There have also been many studies that link chronic stress to the progression of hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, coronary artery disease, headaches and many other serious illnesses. Stress can also lead to depression, eating disorders and insomnia.

Many of you may agree that you live in a constant state of stress, trying to juggle too many things in your life, financially, socially, at home and at your workplace. We try to balance much more than we feel we can handle and our minds are constantly being overstimulated by sights, sounds, and even our own thoughts.

There are many things you can do to curb stress, while at the same time promoting a feeling of well-being, allowing you to sleep better and increase your overall energy level.

Move that stress out

Exercise is a great way to relieve stress while working on your general well-being. Spring is here, and so is the sunshine. Now is a great time to get on a bicycle and go around the seawall, or if you prefer, to jog, Rollerblade or rent a kayak and see our beautiful city from the bay.

For those who are less mobile, swimming is easy on the joints and is a good exercise. Yoga is also a good form of exercise that has been growing wildly in popularity in Vancouver.

Dance movement therapy (DMT) is for everyone and has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety, depression and even headaches, chronic pain and muscle tension. Whether dancing is in your blood or you don’t believe you have a rhythmic bone in your body, there is a style of dance out there for everyone, and it is a great way to reduce stress in a fun, social atmosphere.

Tune in, tune out

Music’s effect on the human psyche has been well-established for a long time. Research has shown that listening to calming, slow music can even reduce anxiety and pain pre- and post-operatively. It can improve the quality of sleep and help our ability to deal with every day stress. Slow, calming classical music has been shown to slow the heart rate, lower blood pressure and decrease stress hormones. The great thing about incorporating music into your life to reduce stress is that you can bring music with you anywhere. On your commute to work, while grocery shopping or before going to bed at night.

Eat right to change fight or flight

Our diet plays a key role in everything that happens with our bodies. Certain foods have been found to calm and soothe the nervous system, and thus relieve stress. Comfort foods like a warm bowl of oatmeal—as well as whole grains, fruits and vegetables—can increase serotonin levels, promoting a feeling of calm.

Foods high in vitamin C reduce levels of cortisol and blood pressure during periods of high stress, so eat foods high in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, like oranges, and kiwis. Chamomile and mint restore calm and are very soothing. A nice cup of tea in the evening can help you wind down from a hard day’s work. St John’s wort can help treat mild to moderate depression, seasonal depression, as well as anxiety.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has always recognized a strong connection between a person’s emotions and the physical body. While there are constant shifts happening throughout the day, with changing seasons, and through different times in your life, severe imbalances can lead to illness, and affect your ability to function at your full potential. A TCM doctor will try to find the cause of these imbalances and restore harmony to your body by using acupuncture and herbs, as well as diet and lifestyle recommendations. TCM has shown great success at helping patients manage or overcome stress, insomnia, depression and many other related issues.

You don’t have to live with constant stress or anxiety. Take charge and make changes so you can live a happier, healthier life!


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