Workplace Wellness Fair for Mobile Acupuncture

We recently attended a wellness fair at Vancouver’s Waterfront Fairmont Hotel. We love to share our passion for mobile acupuncture and all things natural health, so whenever we receive a request to man a booth, present a health lecture or lunch ‘n learn, or deliver onsite treatment, we do our best to be there!

If your workplace has a health and wellness fair, we can offer a health prize, special discount to your staff who attend, and of course educate about Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, and natural health.

But no matter how much we enjoy those shows, we enjoy even more the chance to provide treatment with mobile acupuncture. Because we know that acupuncture can help reduce stress, improve sleep, decrease fatigue, treat headaches, support the immune system, boost digestion, and help manage chronic disease. 

mobile acupuncture health wellness show

Director of Operations and Registered acupuncturist, Claudia Chen Registered acupuncturist, Kelly Zeng

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